Following any injury, the body naturally tries to heal the damaged tissue through an inflammatory and regenerative process. This can lead to the formation of poorly functional scar tissue. Regenerative Medicine emphasizes the innate regenerative process. Growth factors and signaling cells found in our blood and bone marrow are added to the injury site to guide cells to a more functional healing with minimal scar tissue formation.
By concentrating these regenerative cells around an injured area, there is a promotion of tissue healing and regeneration through enhancement in recruitment, proliferation and differentiation of cells needed to accelerate the healing process. Tissue healing responses may be different depending on the tissue being treated and the acuity of the injury.
What Dr. DeGiorgio loves about regenerative medicine is that it offers the patient an opportunity to gain back the quality of life they had prior to the injury. Whether its playing professional sports, or hide and seek with the grandkids, everyone’s goal is equally important. Understanding there is no, “one size fits all” treatment, each plan is tailored to meet the need of each individual patient.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection
Our blood consists of a liquid component known as plasma. It also consists of three main solid components which include the red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. Platelets play an important role in forming blood clots. They also consist of special proteins, known as growth factors, which help with our body’s healing process. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a high concentration of platelets and plasma.

Prolotherapy, also called proliferative therapy, is a medical procedure performed to treat connective tissue injuries and can be used to relieve musculoskeletal pain.

Cell Therapy
Cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that utilizes the body’s natural healing mechanism to treat various conditions. Cells are being used in regenerative medicine to renew and repair diseased or damaged tissues, and have shown promising results in treatments of various orthopedic, cardiovascular, neuromuscular and autoimmune conditions. Cells are present in all of us acting like a repair system for the body.

Perineural Injection Therapy
Coming soon